You want to create change — with a degree in public policy, that's exactly what you'll do.
Public policy is how we – citizens, communities, organizations and governments – come together and create change. But what does that mean for you? It means our undergraduates are ready to look at the complex issues facing their communities, the nation and the world, and find innovative solutions that serve the public good.
During your time at the School, you will seek to answer questions like: How do we transform our societies to avoid the worst effects of a changing climate? What role should governments, nonprofits and businesses play in addressing social and economic challenges? Are we ready for a world where decisions are made by machines, not humans?
Our programs open doors for students to explore their big ideas — from working at government agencies, renowned nonprofits and in private industry to pursuing graduate work in the field of their choice. Undergraduate alumni are developing policy, and working with those who do, to cross boundaries and bridge divides as ethical and engaged practitioners.
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