David Blazar is an assistant professor of education policy and economics at the University of Maryland. His research examines teacher labor markets, with a focus on professional learning, organizational contexts of schools and districts, and accountability policy. Current projects include: a study validating measures of teachers' effectiveness at improving student outcomes beyond test scores; an evaluation of textbooks used in upper elementary mathematics; a study examining the role of school districts in improving teacher and student outcomes. His work is published in American Educational Research Journal, Economics of Education Review, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, among other publications. He received the AEFP Flanigan Outstanding Dissertation Award and was named an emerging education policy scholar by the Fordham Institute. He received his doctorate in quantitative policy analysis in education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He holds a masters in policy and management and a bachelors in history and literature, also from Harvard. He previously taught high-school English in New York City.
- Education policy; economics