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The Officer/NCO Relationship: Words of Wisdom and Tips for Success

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In this book, senior commissioned and noncommissioned leaders talk to you about officer/NCO relationships, and share their knowledge and experience with you. By building on their thoughts you can increase the effectiveness of your unit and your own officer/NCO relationship. This book includes quotations from the 16th century to the present day, demonstrating how important this relationship has been, and continues to be, to military leaders. 

Chapters 1 through 3 address three critical officer/NCO relationships: the Platoon Leader and the Platoon Sergeant, the Company Commander and the First Sergeant, and the Battalion Commander and the Command Sergeant Major. Though the quotations focus primarily on those relationships, the thoughts and perspectives are useful to officers and NCOs at every level. Chapters 4 and 5 discuss ways that officers and NCOs can strengthen their team, and summarize the importance of this key relationship.

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