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Universities as Drivers of Climate Action

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Universities, photo by Dayne Topkin

Universities play a critical role in enhancing sustainability and driving climate action in their campuses and communities, locally and globally. As leaders in research, analysis, innovation, and education, universities are uniquely positioned to impact not only policy outcomes, but educate the future leaders of tomorrow, and convene communities of stakeholders to better understand solutions. The University of Maryland leverages its strength as a Tier-1 Research University to foster a robust exchange of best practices and lessons learned in pursuit of accelerating local and global climate solutions.

The University of Maryland’s goals to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions (from 2005 levels) by 2020, and a 60% reduction by 2025, and carbon neutrality for all scopes of emissions by 2050 is an example of its sustainability leadership. And as a member of the We Are Still In (WASI) coalition and Research Lead for the Universities Climate Change Coalition (UC3), these commitments show how universities play a key role in reducing emissions through their own carbon footprint as well as setting an example for other actors. CGS is exploring how universities can harness their natural, neutral convening power to drive cross-sector, collaborative policy making and serve as a test-ground for ambitious policy and ideas.

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School Authors: Nathan Hultman, Leon Clarke, Christina Bowman, Morgan Edwards, Yiyun 'Ryna' Cui

Other Authors: Carla Frisch, Kevin Kennedy, Paul Bodnar, Pete Hansel, Tom Cyrs, Michelle Manion, Joel Jaeger, Jessie Lund, Andrew Clapper, Arijit Sen, Devashree Saha, Michael Westphal, Wendy Jaglom, Juan Carlos Altamirano, Maggie Dennis, Kareem Hammoud, Christopher Henderson, John O'Neill, Emily Goldfield