Science and technology play a central role in our contemporary lives, intersecting with multiple areas of public policy from the environment and human health to national security, and international affairs. Policy issues are often complex and contentious, requiring collaborations between academia, government, industry and the public. Our Science and Technology initiative aims to:
- Showcase and support the science and technology research, teaching and public engagement efforts within the School
- Create new opportunities for cross-campus and cross-sector (government, industry, NGO) collaboration in research, education/training, public engagement and network building related to science and technology policy.
The initiative brings together a multidisciplinary cohort of faculty and students from across the UMD campus to improve understanding, analysis and intervention in science and technology policymaking. We will leverage and build on existing efforts to create a strong identity of local and national leadership in S&T policy within the School and across the UMD campus. Existing units within the School that have ongoing S&T policy work include:
- Center for Global Sustainability
- Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland
- Center for Governance of Technology and Systems
- National Center for Smart Growth
With our proximity to Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, our historical interest in S&T policy issues and our breadth and depth of expertise, we are striving to become the local and national leader in the science, technology and policy interface. Demand for such expertise is growing as Congress and state legislatures, government agencies and citizens look for expert information on issues of national interest.
Additionally, universities need to demonstrate the impact of their publicly-funded research and land grant universities, such as UMD, have an obligation to support S&T policy. Over the past several years, the UMD campus community has shown increased interest and demand to learn how to more effectively engage in S&T policy and to increase their impact on local, national and international issues relevant to their research expertise.