This report shines a light on regional clean energy innovation as a critical opportunity for state-level policymakers and other key stakeholders to expand regional economic opportunities, spark local innovative clean energy technology, and increase the impact of federal activity on climate and energy. The analysis measures levels of success across the US and also conducts a deep dive into Colorado and Maryland to identify best practices to accelerate climate mitigating technologies.
School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Kathleen Kennedy, Steven J. Smith
Other Authors: Wei Peng, Susan Anenberg, John Bistline, Mark Budolfson, Sara M. Constantino, Kelly Crawford, Kenneth Davis, Peter DeCarlo, Hayden Hashimoto, Casey Helgeson, Xinyuan Huang, Klaus Keller, Harry Kennard, Robert Laumbach, Vijay S. Limaye, Erin Mayfield, James McFarland, Michelle Meyer, Paul Miller, Andrew Place, Nicholas Roy, Christine Schell, Noah Scovronick, Vivek Srikrishnan, Donna Vorhees, Yuanyu Xie